Footprint Range Bars

Prints the Footprint data (at Range Bar Close) and Range Bar High/Low. The Color will change if bar is UP or Down.

This addon is available on the toolkit but it is currently under development and accepting users feedback


Bar Size: Set the range bar size

Regular Range: Enabled results in a new range bar when the specified range is exceeded by 1 tick. When unchecked a new bar will begin when the top/bottom tick reaches the range setting. Which means the open of the current range bar will always match the close of previous bar.

Show FootPrint: Displays the footprint data of the range bar *only at the bar close.

FootPrint Bg Color: Sets the footprint values background color

Print H/L: Displays the bar high/low at bar close

Enable H/L Lines: Displays 2 lines - Bar High and Bar Low

UP Bar Color: Sets the up bar color

UP Bar Line: Sets the up bar indicator line style

Down Bar Color: Sets the down bar color

Down Bar Line: Sets the down bar indicator line style

Sample settings for ES which should give a good starting point

Bar size: 9
Show FootPrint
Enable H/L Lines\

Dependinng on your market liquidity you have to adjust the parameters

Indicator on Heatmap

Last modified June 9, 2021